Thursday, June 09, 2022

Living in Christ: A Teaching Story


When thinking about moral and ethical values, objective and subjective claims, and the meaning, and understanding of difficult ideas, philosophers have traditionally used teaching stories. More impactful and often more challenging than non-fiction essays, these stories encourage their disciples to analyze and learn the condensed wisdom presented, to make connectioins, see relationships, trace out causes and effects, and go deeper into the implications of what is said and done. Even relatively simple tales about seemingly ordinary events can shed light on the human condition more clearly, immediately, and powerfully than a long, prose exposition.

 Living in Christ: A Teaching Story 

“Hey there, Stan. Good to see you back at church. We missed you the last two or three Sundays. How are things going?”

“Everything’s going great, just great. We had a little setback a few months ago, when the feds took down our main Web site, but now we are roaring forward.”

“What happened? Why did the feds--.”

“Oh, you know, there are still some very uptight types working to stop people from ‘exercising their freedoms,’ as our lawyers put it.”

“But how did that involve your company? Don’t you run an online pet store?”

“Oh, yeah, ha ha! The problem was that was mistaken for an actual pet store. Ha, ha, ha, ha.  Oh, did we get mail!”

“I don’t understand.”

“So we cleared things up by renaming it to and business has exponentiated. In fact, we are talking about removing the kiddie porn pages from our servers just to open up the bandwidth.”

“Kiddie porn? Stan, What are you talking about? I thought you were a Christian.”

“Oh, yeah, I am. I am. Just living my Christian freedom in Christ.”

“But God is very much opposed to what you are doing. And besides, kiddie porn is against the law.”

“Well, I’m just living the law of liberty. No longer a slave to sin, set free indeed. Free to follow my own wishes. Say, do you know any Fentanyl wholesalers near here?”

“Why no, I—that—it’s--."

“Yeah, it’s such a killer drug that I can’t keep it in stock. Hey, see if they have changed the Availability label on Devil’ That’s one of my public service Web sites. The URL is--.”

“Stan, you need to do some real soul searching—and some Bible reading. You’re going to--.”

“Great talking to you, brother. Maybe I’ll see you next week. Excuse me now, but do you see that girl over there, just shaking the pastor’s hand? Maybe I can get her to put a few pictures on Rent-a-Teen. Later, big guy.”



1. Is Stan a genuine Christian, an imitation Christian, a self-deluded pagan, an anti-Christian, a plain vanilla con artist, or something else?

2. If Stan dies today, will he go to heaven?

3. Once a person is saved, accepting Jesus as his savior, does it matter whether or not he owns pornographic web sites or traffics girls? Why or why not?

Reading, Discussing, and Thinking 

When you read this story to some Christians, they will quickly hit you with, "The Bible says, 'Judge not, so that you will not be judged.'" Based on your understanding of  the following Scriptures and their surrounding contexts, and any other relevant Scriptures and their contexts, is it right or wrong to answer the first three questions, above? 

Matthew 7:1

Luke 6:37

Luke 12:57-58

Luke 18:2

John  3:17

John 7:24

Romans 14:3

Romans 14:13

1 Corinthians 6:3

James 14:11

James 5:9

John 12:48

 Bob Translation

What  good is it, my brothers, if someone says he is a Christian, but does nothing to show his allegiance to Jesus, by witnessing, worshipping, caring for the sick and needy, striving to improve morally, intellectually, emotionally and spiritually?  --James 2:14: 

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